Mental Health Conversations

“We Don’t Go to Therapists! Black People and Mental Health.”

Episode 1

We start off the first segment with Stephanie Green, the founder of Another Life Foundation, which is dedicated to helping those battling with mental illness and suicidal behaviors. Stephanie was the catalyst for this story. She provided us access to interview all of the people featured in this podcast.

In part three, we speak to Ayanna McCullough.  Ayanna is a therapist and founder of Monet’s Counseling Services, which encourages you to, “live your best life.”  She discusses the influence the black church has had on African Americans, and their views on combatting mental health issues.  She also touches upon mental health issues currently facing blacks who are incarcerated, and the indignities of African Americans face in their day to day lives, such as being followed around in stores.  

Episode 2

In the second podcast of our Black Health 2.0 series on Mental Health, subtitled, “Black Folks Don’t Go To Therapy,” we spoke to Tori White and Kristen Maynard.  Tori is a therapist with Creative Pathways Counseling and Consulting, LLC. Kristen talked about her struggles with Disassociative Identity Disorder, and what she’s doing now to take care of herself. 

2 Comments to Mental Health Conversations

  1. Excellent introduction to a very sensitive but strategic health public health matter in underserved and underrepresented communities. Keep the education coming, let’s encourage our audience to share their thoughts.

  2. Thank you so much for allowing our organization to participate on your podcast. And to bringing awareness to minority mental health awareness. The host Essie was very professional and compassionate towards the issues of mental health and wellness. Keep up the great work!!

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